Lecture by
Prof. Dr.
Satvinder Juss
from King's
College London

Today was truly remarkable as we had the honour of hosting Prof. Dr. Satvinder Juss from King's College London at Shakir Ali Auditorium of National College of Arts. Dr. Juss, a distinguished global professor at Notre Dame University and a practicing Barrister at Law, delivered an exclusive lecture about the forgotten heroes of Indo-Pak independence movement and spoke about two of his published books on Bhagat Singh, who is acclaimed as a Punjab’s forgotten hero; "The Execution of Bhagat Singh" published by Harper Collins in 2021 and "Bhagat Singh: A Life in Revolution" published by Penguin in 2022.

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Murtaza Jafri acclaimed Dr. Juss’s insightful discourse, highlighting its relevance to contemporary issues and underscoring the importance of intellectual and historic exchange in academia and art.


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